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1 researchok  Sat, Jan 7, 2012 5:46:54am

Our arrangements were with the previous governments who did honor signed agreements.

Perhaps we ought to ask the American people if they want to continue to dole out billions to an Egypt run by the Muslim Brotherhood who declare they will not honor any written agreements.

2 RogueOne  Sat, Jan 7, 2012 6:24:28am

re: #1 researchok

It’s a shame we can’t pick and choose which groups should get aid money:

The Fact Checker: Follow the Egyptian money

3 Ghost of Archangelus  Sat, Jan 7, 2012 7:20:31am

Someone really ought to tell those morons to actually read the agreement they’re complaining about - it was within the framework of the peace agreement that Israel agreed to return the Sinai to Egypt, including gas fields it discovered in El-Arish and the oil fields in Abu-Radis.

An Egyptian nullification of the agreement would mean the cancellation of the Israeli return of the Sinai, giving Israel pretty much every right and justification, in accordance with international law, to reclaim the area - a response which receives a very high amount of support among Israelis (many of which always feared an Egyptian violation of the agreement) and one which would devastate Egypt’s economy by itself, which is fragile enough as it is. Not to mention the loss of billions of aid money they get from the US which is, among other things, tied to the agreement.

You’d think they didn’t have enough pressing issues to deal with at home before even thinking about this…

4 Wik  Sat, Jan 7, 2012 7:44:45am

Witholding funds punatively to Egypt will just empower the Brotherhood more and more. We have to find a way to promote western virtues among the public without building up the Brotherhood. Now how did we do it with the old USSR?

5 EiMitch  Sat, Jan 7, 2012 8:15:06am

re: #4 Reality Check

How, you ask? By providing funds to the very government Egypt just overthrew, thats how. Not a good solution for the “promote western virtues” part, was it?

In any case, a new government declaring that they don’t intend to honor a peace treaty is sheer foolishness. If they think they’re ready for war, then they’ve learned jack about recent events in that region. A painful, bloody lesson is in their future if they pursue this course. If war can deflate our hubris here in the US, then how much worse will it be for those who actually live where the fighting is likely to occur?

Unless the Brotherhood wise-up real quick, things will end very badly.

6 sffilk  Sat, Jan 7, 2012 9:41:39am

I’m almost of the thought that perhaps the Muslim Brotherhood should try something brash, but I don’t want to see innocents killed because of a whole bunch of blithering idiots.

7 Flavia  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 11:26:05pm

re: #3 Archangelus

An Egyptian nullification of the agreement would mean the cancellation of the Israeli return of the Sinai, giving Israel pretty much every right and justification, in accordance with international law, to reclaim the area

Since when did Israel being right about anything count in the world? (Yeah, I’m in a mood….)

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